Lately, we’ve really been getting a push to shed the old and embrace the new. This has been part of a larger progression that began in the early summer, and it’s involved a lot of intense shifts on the energetic, emotional, and collective levels.
I observe these changes in the ambient energy through my sessions with clients, and also in how I experience the energy of each day. It becomes clear at times that there is a certain theme coming up in all of my sessions. Over the period of these last few months that theme has been the release of old ways of being - or as I’ve said many times, the shedding of old layers of the self. These ways of being are connected to old patterning that resulted from past traumas (both big and small), and beliefs that we may have acquired along the way. Some of these patterns are quite old, going back to childhood, and as I’ve found in the last few days, some can even stretch back through lifetimes! Those of you on my email list have heard me talk about this quite a bit (sign up for my email list here if you’d like to be kept abreast of the energetic changes we are experiencing collectively), while reassuring you that this process is pushing us towards new ways of being in life that are liberating, and that offer us the rare opportunity to easily step out of our old patterns and into newer, lighter states of being. Make no mistake, these are not small shifts. Though they may seem subtle at first, these are quantum leaps forward in personal evolution. As previously pushed-down patterns are brought to the surface, you might find things coming up for you that seemed like they had already been worked through - and that’s totally normal. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never really resolve your issues (I can hear the groans already), in fact, it could be just the opposite - this may be the final release that you’ve been waiting for, or that you didn’t know you needed, in order to truly move into a higher state and fuller expression of you. So let’s celebrate this opportunity and take full advantage of it while it’s here! We don’t get this kind of quantum push forward all the time, it really is something special. I encourage everyone reading this to take stock of what’s been coming up for you in your life over the last few months, and what new 'ahas' and insights may be coming up. You may find yourself realizing that you don’t need to continue in a relationship in the same way, and that a small tweak in how you approach it opens up new possibilities. Or that you don’t need to continue to work in the same way, perhaps you realize you can work smarter not harder and take some of the extra strain off while also creating more time for yourself. Or, that you no longer need to be the last holdout on the planet not to buy a smartphone, and you can allow yourself to move into the world of technology. These are some of the examples I’ve seen come up, and there are endless potential manifestations in each person’s life. In each case the 'aha' moment was followed by swift and easy action that resulted in a sense of freedom from old patterns that had felt restrictive and even life-sucking. Now, going back to what I mentioned earlier about patterns stretching back through lifetimes, I want to share the last turn in these processes of releasing - a shift into soul-level healings. Over the last three days I’ve worked with a number of clients whose healing processes have turned a corner, having gotten to the deepest layers, and the pieces that are often not apparent or easily accessed, and that can take years to reach. These are the soul-level reasons for the patterns that are at play. Reasons like soul contracts, karmic processes, and soul-level learning and evolution. These pieces make themselves known when a process is near or at completion, and usually not before then. I’ve often talked about sharing soul-healing stories and many of you have requested more of these. Here are a few short stories taken from sessions over the last few days, but without the depth of information that would reveal personal details. These are intended to give you a general overview of the types of things that can come up on a soul-level. Soul Contracts I had two clients in the last few days who released soul-contracts connected to people in their lives. Soul contracts are agreements between souls to work together in some way during a lifetime or a series of lifetimes as lessons are being learned or some other soul-development is achieved. In all of my experiences up until this week I had found these to be situations where two souls were experiencing and re-experiencing a certain emotional relationship through various manifestations in order to learn and evolve. For example, two people who are mother and daughter in one lifetime may reincarnate as lovers or as business partners. There are infinite ways that this can play out, but in any of these scenarios they would be in a similar emotional relationship. This week I was introduced to a different kind of soul-contract - one that I would describe as a "twin flame" or "soul mate" situation. One that would be considered quite special if not for the emotional devastation that was created this time around. The first client recently lost a relative who had long influenced her life and emotions, and the contract was with this person. This one was a more typical situation - the relationship had been strained for years and her comments in relation to the deceased before the session began were to the effect of "I’m just so tired of being hurt and angry, I can’t do it anymore." From what evolved in the session it would appear that this shift in her emotional response to the relationship, and probably other similar shifts that had developed over years, were the final pieces needed to release a pattern with this person that had played out in five different lifetimes! Twin Flame Devastation Now, I’m not one to spend a lot of time talking about twin flames. I find this theme to be way over-played in our popular culture, with a need to attribute any strong emotional attachments to some kind of mystical context. But, if ever I’ve encountered a twin flame story, this is it. This client had made an agreement with another soul to experience life together, as if they were one person, and believe it or not, they have accomplished this in five different lifetimes. Judging from her visions of her past lives and the insights that came up during the session, it would seem that this plan had worked quite well in the other lifetimes, creating feelings of love, happiness and soul-mate connection. These were lives tinged with a rosy glow. However, in this lifetime, though they did find each (so miraculous!), they weren’t able to be together. The separation and ensuing devastation was so intense that it created a pattern of deep depression and even suicidal tendencies. The image I received of the separation was of an empty void in her body, as if she no longer existed. She told me afterwards that she had spent her entire life "looking for that one person" without fully realizing it had been him. She was programmed before birth to seek him out, like two magnets pulling towards each other. It was both beautiful and tragic. Her spirit had made the decision to release this contract in order for her to release the debilitating emotional patterning that had plagued her for decades. Soul Evolution This next case is an example of a simple evolution of the soul as it learns the lessons of various lifetimes. In the session with this client it was clear that a soul-level piece was coming to completion, and I was being shown a pattern of her energy pulling in around her, almost like wrapping herself in a tight blanket. This was an emotional response that she had developed and expressed in three separate lifetimes that could be considered a coping mechanism she used to disengage from emotionally overwhelming situations. The pattern was ready to be released. At the end of the session we connected information about when this had been triggered in this lifetime with the associated events and people. The emotional pattern is one that she is aware of and that has continued to present itself. The release of the energetic pattern should open her to a completely different way of dealing with the people in question and ultimately free her from the self-imposed disengagement that kept her from evolving through the situation. The Dreaded Influence of Karma Karma, the oft-cited scapegoat for all things that don’t go our way, is actually a real thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you did something wrong or bad in a past life and are being punished, but it is the playing out of tit for tat or reverse lessons. In this case, my client had presented as a victim in multiple lifetimes, and this time around she was reliving that same scenario. However, it was not a situation of having been the perpetrator in other lifetimes and living out the karmic reversal of fortunes, instead this was the expression of victimhood as a means of control over people and situations. The lessons to be learned were about control over others and had been experienced in different forms throughout lifetimes. Now the lesson was complete and the pattern was ready to release. We can only imagine how this might change her life going forward. In cases of a soul-level issues, it’s as if the person is imprinted with a predisposition towards certain people and situations that will bring resolution to the growth that is desired on the soul-level. Imagine what that means - some issues that may be hanging around, particularly the ones that you’ve worked on for years but still persist, may actually have such deep roots that you won’t release them and the associated emotions and interpersonal connections until the lessons have been learned and the spirit chooses to release the programming. But don’t despair, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make lots of changes and achieve new levels of awareness and healing through the experiences of a lifetime, which is ultimately what we’ve come to do. Those are just a few of the amazing soul-healing stories I have recorded over the years. I suspect there will be more to come in the next few days, and perhaps even longer, as we continue through this period of intense quantum movement forward. Is there anything you can do to release the soul-level connections and programs in your own life? Well, yes. You can set the intention to release soul-level programs that have completed. That said, you may not feel anything right away and it could take some time for the issues to unwind, and for you to fully integrate the changes. You also may not ever be fully aware of which situations were soul-level issues. But, that’s ok as long as you’ve absorbed what you needed from them. In any case you can take some time to reflect over the next couple of weeks on the changes you may be feeling in your own life… it may feel like an undercurrent, or you may be fully in the throes of something obvious, either way be sure to stay open to the new possibilities that you are moving towards and embrace them when they show up!
The Hidden Benefits of Self-Testing
"I was very skeptical about self-testing. Was I doing it right? Is it really going to make that much of a difference? But, I never imagined that practicing self-testing would create a space for me to step into my personal power. Now, by listening to what my body needs, I have rebuilt trust within myself. This has allowed me to reconnect with my intuition, I feel more grounded, and I am more in sync with the flow of the Universe." —Christine Sharpe I’ve been teaching self-testing to my clients for years so that they can create a reliable biofeedback system for understanding what their body needs. With this skill, they’re able to ask their body specific questions like what they should eat, which supplements to take, which beverages to consume (especially alcoholic beverages - an often overlooked but very important category), which stones or oils to use… and a whole lot more. I’ve also used self-testing myself for the past few years on just about everything under the sun - I regularly test on everything listed above and all of the skin care and personal hygiene products I use, items on restaurant menus, products I purchase online, incense and space clearing items, and generally anything that I use in my environment like cleaning supplies, etc. I test my stones to determine if they need cleaning, and which cleaning method is best for each one. I test before I put on jewelry to see what my body chooses for that day, or if it prefers nothing. I also test on the clothes I wear, specifically to find out which colors and combinations are best. I use self-testing with healing techniques to determine which energy healing protocols my body needs, and what order to do them in. I use testing to choose the topic of healing sessions, especially when using Energy Psychology techniques. I also use testing to tune into my higher self when I’m not sure about a choice I’m making, this is a sensitivity that comes with practice and experience. Finally, I use my self-tests when I work with clients remotely, once I have tuned into their energy I can test as if I were testing directly on them. This may seem excessive to most people, and you certainly don’t need to do as much testing as I do to significantly change the way you approach your health choices and other everyday purchasing choices, but I will say that testing to this extent has revealed so much of my inner workings and innate knowing that it has completely changed how I live. For example, I’ve stopped paying attention to the media reports on different therapies and techniques, different diets and supplements that are trending, because I prefer to ask my body what it wants. When I go to a crystal store, I don’t spend any time reading descriptions of stones and their purported qualities (which often don’t align with my intuitive guidance - who knows where those descriptions come from), instead I ask my body which stones it wants, if any. I no longer feel the need to read extensively about chemical ingredients in the different products on the market, to figure out which is the least harmful option - I just ask my body. Ultimately, the huge life change that is available to anyone who chooses to take the time to learn to work with self-testing is the end of searching for answers to all manner of questions about your own needs from outside yourself - from the experts, or the latest studies, or the latest trending healing technique, or from someone else’s experience. And instead, to start referencing the wisdom of your body, what I also refer to as your higher consciousness/higher self, for all the answers you need. You can trust that this answer is not a general recommendation or a guideline meant for the overall population, but one that is customized to the very specific needs of your very unique system. Hidden Benefits Discovered I’ve been having fun spreading the word about self-testing and experimenting with different things. I recently started asking some of my clients what kinds of things they were doing with self-testing and what they love about it, and one thing in particular really stood out to me. They all mentioned feeling more connected to their intuition, and more specifically, that the practice of self-testing had enhanced their intuitive sense as well as the trust that they have in it. When I look back to 2011 when I started using self-testing in my Energy Medicine studies, I realize that this was also a huge ‘aha’ for me - no more wondering what I needed, or trying to decipher what underlying issues I was having, I could simply test and find out. You find out very quickly if your hunches are actually correct! This develops into a new sensitivity around your intuitive knowing, which can be an area of much confusion and frustration for people - “is it really intuition or am I just imagining it?” is one of the most common questions I hear from my clients around this topic. “How will I know?”... Well, now you have an easy way to test those intuitive inclinations, which will lead you to a greater awareness of the subtle messages you may have been missing, or when you may be reading too much into something or discarding your true intuition out of self-doubt (a common problem). That’s a topic for another post, but suffice it to say that self-testing has turned out to be a valuable tool for enhancing the connection to intuition. Another thing I’ve noticed for myself is something that has developed over time: a strong, visceral reaction to certain foods, pushing me towards some, and away from others. Let me give you a few examples to illustrate this. I have found myself in the aisles of a grocery store browsing the shelves, and felt the urge to reach for one particular type of vegetable or fruit, or one type of cereal over another. Or, while scanning a menu for dinner at a restaurant, I’ll feel a subtle pull towards one dish, and often a distinctive push - a subtle aversion, even - away from another. This is particularly strong when I’m choosing alcoholic beverages, which I’ve found my system is not particularly fond of, except for the occasional beer. What causes this sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle reaction that I now experience? I believe it’s something like this: By eliminating substances that had an adverse effect on my system, the vibrational resonance within my system has been enhanced and greatly clarified, and it’s easier for me to hear the messages my body is actually sending all the time. I’ll explain a little more what I mean by that. We each have our own unique vibration - our energetic signature. This signature becomes infused with the vibrations of whatever we ingest. Sometimes this combination of vibrations aligns well, and sometimes it doesn’t. Energetic toxins, which can come from the foods we ingest, can cloud the resonance of our energetic signature. For example, ingesting any type of meat will infuse your system with the energy of that animal, including any fear or stress that it might have experienced in the dying process. I don’t share this as an animal activist who is against the consumption of meats, but as an Energy Healer who is very aware of the energy that is passed from one being to another, and the energies that I find clogging my client’s systems. Testing on your foods allows your body to choose what will most benefit it nutritionally, but also to reject anything that might cloud the system with unwanted energy. When we remove these energetic toxins from the biofield, not only is our native vibration more clear, but our energy flows more freely as well. Consider for a moment what that would look like for you: You’ve settled into a vibration that vibrates more fully, at a consistent frequency, and at a frequency that is your own. This can only benefit your system. The stronger your unique frequency becomes, the stronger all of the different energy systems will be, areas of weakness in your system will be strengthened as a result, which means your physical body will be stronger, your emotional health will be better, and the better you will feel. In fact, this is a foundational premise of Energy Healing work. So it naturally follows that the feedback system you have created with your body will carry a more clear signal, thus making it more apparent to you. In other words, your intuitive sense will be heightened and your gut feelings will be stronger, because the communication isn’t muddled with energetic toxins. Pretty cool, right? Now I don’t want to scare you with my extensive testing habits, obviously you can choose what you want to test on, and if you want to override the recommendations of your body you can do that! You can learn this technique, but it doesn’t mean that you have to follow the direction your body is giving you. It’s just another tool in the kit for you to draw from when making a decision. As you try it out more and more and begin to follow what your body suggests, you might find that letting it take the lead is not such a bad idea! Even with my years of experience with self-testing, I’m constantly discovering again and again what an incredible service we do for ourselves when we create this new relationship with our body, and honor the wisdom that is shared through that connection. Feel free to reach out to me with questions as you move forward in your own journey of discovery with self-testing! |
AuthorPaige Apgar is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel, and Transformational Life Coach. Archives
April 2024
© 2013, Paige Apgar, CPC, EEM-AP
Soul's Light, LLC All Rights Reserved 347-724-2254 Tallahassee, Florida This website,, ( does not purport to diagnosis, treat, operate on, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. Paige Apgar is not a licensed mental health professional and does not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. |