I’m often asked what Energy Medicine is and how it helps people. My usual response is to address how Energy Medicine can help rebalance the imbalances at the root of physical, emotional and mental issues, because the energy systems are foundational to our health on every level. After working with many people on a myriad of issues, it’s my expectation that physical and emotional symptoms will lessen greatly and often disappear completely as we peel away layers of traumas, emotions and limiting beliefs, and, that they will experience an increased level of wellness and vitality, many times reporting that they “haven’t felt this good in 10 years.” These improvements are wonderful, but there is something else, something infinitely more beautiful, happening on a deeper level. As I’ve worked with clients for extended periods, I’ve observed that as people release old patterns, and the stuck emotions around experiences that have shaped their perceptions of life and of themselves, many subtle foundational shifts take place simultaneously. The process can best be described as a gentle unfolding of the self, not unlike a flower that slowly opens to the sun, and reflects back the light that it absorbs. As clients move through this process of unfolding, they become more in touch with who they are at their core, more attuned to their own higher consciousness, and more at ease with themselves and with life. Peaks of joy are experienced, sometimes for the first time, and the little stresses of life don’t have as much impact. People who had once walked in with visible tension in their faces and their bodies move with a relaxed ease, and tension is replaced with smiles and laughter. For some people these changes happen relatively quickly, for others they take longer. Regardless of how long it takes, the process itself is a joy to watch, and always brings moments of awe, inspiration and gratitude to both client and practitioner.
This case study was published on the Innersource website in April of 2017. Click here to be taken to the Innersource webpage where it resides. Helen and her husband John had been trying for years to conceive. Helen came to see me at the age of 37, two years after having miscarried, with complaints of infertility, lack of passion, “overall” pain that came and went, and insomnia. She had received acupuncture off and on for years and was aware that she had a Kidney deficiency. She and John had given up on trying to get pregnant, and they had changed their life plan from starting a family to building their careers and focusing on physical/emotional/spiritual healing. They were interested in trying new therapies to heal past traumas and for personal development. In Helen’s first session she said “I’m not here to work on fertility, I just want to feel happier.” I had a premonition at the time that she would get pregnant through the course of the work, but that it would be a few months before we got there. I kept this to myself however, and we began our assessments.
The two things that stood out immediately were Helen’s Triple Warmer, which was highly reactive, and her K1 point (beginning of Kidney meridian line on the bottom of the foot), which was closed shut. It was as if the doorway to the Kidney meridian (and connection to the earth, grounding, yin cycle, et cetera) was closed with a huge heavy door and bolted shut. I probably spent about 20 minutes in the first session using magnets to open the K1 points and correct their polarity, as well as her overall polarity. Not surprisingly, Kidney meridian was quite weak. Helen decided to come in for a session every other week. Her homework for the first few weeks, in addition to the Daily Routine, was to use the Mellow Mudra hold for Triple Warmer reactivity and to bolster Kidney meridian by holding its acupressure strengthening points. As we progressed, we added emphasis to the Penetrating Flow, Belt Flow, polarity, grounding, cross-overs, and strengthening Spleen meridian, both during the sessions and in her self-care. Over the next few sessions, Helen’s Triple Warmer reactivity calmed, Kidney meridian strengthened and held its energy, and her K1 points shifted from feeling like a door with iron bolts to a closed door, then a swing door, and finally to a door that would stay propped open! This was supported by her diligence with her daily self-care. Her big shift, and one of the most amazing things I’ve felt in my work, came in the fifth session with the Deep Healing Electrics protocol. Near the end of the session, after about 45 minutes of holding the main electric points, a beautiful radiant energy started pushing up from underneath, marked by an undeniable will to live, and to be connected to this physical experience. As it pushed up, I held the space open for it to move, as if I were holding open heavy doors and waiting for it to pass through. Just as I was wondering how much longer I could hold this opening, it expanded into the field, releasing the need to hold the space, and shifting the energy into a beautiful encompassing glow. I knew we were complete. At the time, I interpreted this as Helen’s own will to live a full, joyous life coming through. After the Deep Electrics session, the Triple Warmer reactions stopped. Two weeks later Helen attended a retreat where a psychic took one look at her and said “when are you due?” When she responded “what do you mean?” the woman said, “well, you’re pregnant, didn’t you know?” She recounted this one month after the electrics session, with some discouragement. She had gone to get a pregnancy test that came back negative. My thought was it wasn’t quite time yet, but maybe we were close. Again, we focused on healing her system and emotions. One month later, and four months after starting Eden Energy Medicine, Helen came in and announced with a smile that she was pregnant! In the subsequent months, she continued to do EEM and worked with TRE Trauma and Tension Release Therapy, which she’d begun just before the pregnancy. She experienced deep trauma release in the first trimester, and the EEM techniques were important in stabilizing her system through these releases. We focused on keeping Kidney and Spleen meridians strong, chakras clear, and clearing out residual energies from old traumas. The pregnancy was smooth and painless, without any nausea or other discomfort, which Helen believes to be the result of the ongoing EEM work. Their beautiful baby girl was born in March (exactly one year to the day after beginning EEM), and mom, dad and baby are all doing well! It’s clear to me now that the radiant energy that pushed through during the electrics session with such a strong will to live was the energy of the baby moving into the physical plane, and that this energy was already accompanying Helen before the biological reproductive process was fully underway. What a wondrous experience it was, and such a gift to have been a part of it! These days not a week passes without more news of mindfulness entering the mainstream, is it possible it's here to stay? Wouldn't it be lovely... You can get a glimpse of the article by clicking on the image to the left, for the full article you'll need to subscribe, but you can get a quick look at an intro to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and the famous raisin exercise. Rather than using my newsletter to review 2013 and look for take-aways (which is always valuable, mind you), I chose to focus on the turbulence we've been experiencing in one of the more mundane areas of life - the weather. I simply could not pass up the opportunity to address such cool weather occurrences as the Polar Vortex and the Bombogenesis, and of course, make some observations on how similar turbulence can exist virtually unnoticed in our energy fields and thoughts. Click below to find out what vortexes may exist in your life and what you can do about them, then share some of your vortexes in the comments section! Read the 2013/2014 Winter Newsletter The Vortexes of our lives... Some common vortexes observed in clients and others: Facebook Vortex – Being sucked through the portal of an endless newsfeed to a virtual reality free of the constraints of time and space. Sugar Vortex – The magnetic force in your hand that attracts all things sweet, often unnoticed, only to be discovered mid-bite. Vortex of Despair – The stirrings of panic that explode if given too much attention, accompanied by thoughts of ‘this will never work’ ‘I’ll never get it all done’ ‘my life will never change…’, etc. - note the prominence of ‘always’ and ‘never’ in these moments. Sent in by a reader: The Vortex of Frustrating Board Volunteering with the message: "your tips have arrived at just the right time as I'm composing my resignation" Share some of your vortexes below! http://ideas.time.com/2014/01/17/we-need-to-take-meditation-more-seriously-as-medicine/ Time magazine presents some of the latest research and questions about the effects of meditation on overall health. There's a nice short piece on the BBC News website about a public health counselor who uses EFT very successfully with patients who suffer from depression and anxiety. Out of 36 patients, all but one made huge improvements. Here's the link if you're interested: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-25738689.
Just another triumph for EFT! Go to page 22 for a great article on chakras that I was interviewed for. Thanks to Avery Hurt for bringing more information to the public about alternative heatlh!! |
AuthorPaige Apgar is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel, and Transformational Life Coach. Archives
April 2024
© 2013, Paige Apgar, CPC, EEM-AP
Soul's Light, LLC All Rights Reserved 347-724-2254 Tallahassee, Florida This website, www.soulslightenergyhealing.com, (www.tallahasseeholistichealth.com) does not purport to diagnosis, treat, operate on, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. Paige Apgar is not a licensed mental health professional and does not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. |