Paige Apgar Energy Healing Sessions
*Please download the two forms below and bring them with you to your first appointment*
Energy Healing Session Options for In-Person and Distance Healing
Sessions can be held either in person at my office in Tallahassee, Florida, or by online video, or phone. Please see below for session options and descriptions.
Distance Healing offers the same benefits as in-person healing sessions, and you can receive the session while at home, from anywhere in the world. I have written about how Distance Healing works, and what you can expect in a session, on my Distance Healing page. You can also take a look at my blog post on Distance Healing.
Energy Healing Sessions:
I offer a blended approach to Energy Healing, mixing techniques from Eden Energy Medicine, channeling, and Energy Psychology techniques such as EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. My primary focus is the undoing of complex patterning in the biofield.
Sessions weave through all levels of energetic expression - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In every session we will tune into your higher self to ask what it is you need for your deepest healing, as part of the healing process that is unfolding for you. In this way we stay aligned with your deepest transformational healing, and your soul essence.
The following options are available for booking online. All sessions may be held either in person or online.
20 min. Free Consultation
Find out if energy work is the right thing for you. Meet me in person or by distance to ask your questions and find out how working on your energy systems can restore physical, emotional and mental balance, and open the door to building optimal wellness. Book online
Self-Testing / Testing Substances
With this session you have options. You can learn self-testing techniques and practice testing yourself on different things like vitamins and supplements, stones, foods, etc., or, I can test you on these things. We can also do an in-depth assessment of certain substances, including medications, to find out how they are affecting your energy system. You choose how you want to spend the time. 55 min. In person or by distance. $215. Book online
Energy Medicine Initial Consultation & Assessment Session
1.5 Hrs, $315
This session combines an initial consultation and an assessment of your body's energy systems with time to begin correcting imbalances, address physical or emotional issues, and create a wellness plan that includes self-care at home. Book online
Energy Medicine Follow-up Sessions
1 Hr, $215 75 min, $265
In these sessions, we recheck corrections from previous sessions and track the changes in the energy system, continuing towards restoring balance in accordance with what is needed at the time. Book online
Channeled Healing Sessions
1 Hr, $250
In this session you will receive a channeled healing from the spirit guides or high-vibrational beings who are present. These may be your guides or others who appear to assist. It is not uncommon for Archangels and the Sidhe to participate. This session will include frequency transmissions, and may include spoken messages, each session is unique therefore there is not a fixed protocol. We will complete the session when the work is complete, at around one hour. This session may be held in person or online. Book online
Past Life Regressions
In these sessions we focus on a particular physical, emotional or psychological problem, and go back to the past life in which it began. The client stays in the regressed state while energy healing and balancing is done to clear the energetic imprint of the lifetime, therefore clearing the current manifestation of the same. Please register for an initial 20 min. consultation if you are interested in this session, I require one initial session before this one. 2-3 hrs, in person. Book online or contact me. $495
Meet Your Guides
We all have guides that accompany us through life offering guidance and assistance. In this session we will identify your guides and connect with them. You can ask them any questions you have, and get general guidance. 1 Hr, in person or by distance. $215. Book online