Distance Healing, also known as Distant Healing or Remote Healing, is the practice of Energy Healing when the practitioner and client are not in the same physical location. Distance Healing enables a practitioner to work with clients anywhere, and allows the client to receive the healing work in the comfort of their own home. |
How Does Distance Healing Work?So here's the gist of it - energy is non-local. That means that we don't have to be in the same place for me to work on your energy. I can be sitting in my house, while you sit in yours, even if your house is half-way around the globe, and I can connect to you via the ethers, and hook right up to your system. In fact, removing the physical plane removes a barrier. Energy moves much more quickly through the ethers than it does through physical space. Connecting on this level is kind of like jumping onto a super highway with no traffic, you can go as fast as you want! When I work with someone, I feel their energy move. I feel it in their body, and I feel it in my body. Energy moves through my body, and my energy body will often mirror theirs to an extent. This felt sense is my guide for mapping and tracking the energy in the body when I am working with someone hands-on. The same thing happens in Distance Healing. |
Click to Read about distance session options
Scroll down for benefits of distance work & a story of Distance Healing |
I've been doing Distance Healing sessions for a few years now, and I can say with certainty that they are just as effective as in-person sessions. In addition, they seem to open up more soul-level issues.
I'll refer to my client as Celine. Her session began with some big questions about the direction of her life, things she's been agonizing over for quite some time. She wants to fulfill her life's purpose, has a sense of what that is, and has been actively working in that direction, but she's feeling pulled away from her family in the process which is distressing to them all. In addition she's had some terrible nightmares that somehow seemed related. On top of that, she's dealing with the current stress and chaos the pandemic has created in her family's schedules and daily life. We began by following the energy, going where it needed balancing, which led us to the 2nd chakra, where a lot of deep fear that was holding began to release and flow up and out. As it moved, it brought up related blockages situated in different places, finally triggering deep movement in the 5th chakra. We were periodically checking in with her guides on the situation, to get some information about the nightmares and direction she should take. At this point, they had confirmed that she should continue some work she was doing at home, a passion that she has been able to devote more time to now that she and her family are home. They also confirmed that the nightmares were related to a fear of following her purpose, because she felt too much would be asked of her, and she would have to sacrifice her connection to her family in the process. And then something amazing happened. I had paused after the work on the 5th chakra to allow the energy to adjust, and as I watched, energy from deep within the chakra began to open, much like a flower opening to bloom. From this opening flowed a beautiful and sacred energy - I was expressly told not to touch! As I continued to observe, what looked like a hard black diamond began rising up out of the chakra. It felt incredibly valuable or precious. Checking again with Celine's guides, I was told that this object carried information from an ancient time, lost to humanity, but that had been stored as if in a library somewhere on another dimensional level. When coming into this lifetime Celine had volunteered to bring in and reseed this information on the planet...Read more on my blog. |
© 2013, Paige Apgar, CPC, EEM-AP
Soul's Light, LLC All Rights Reserved 347-724-2254 Tallahassee, Florida This website, www.soulslightenergyhealing.com, (www.tallahasseeholistichealth.com) does not purport to diagnosis, treat, operate on, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. Paige Apgar is not a licensed mental health professional and does not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. |