This Metatron transmission is from a live Insight Timer meditation that took place on January 1st, 2023. A recording of this meditation can be found on Youtube here.
A big thank you to Marta González Rossel for providing this spanish translation of the transmission! Eleva tu vibración con esta transmisión de frecuencia con Metatron. Recibe luz nueva. - Enero 2024 "Levanta tu mirada cuando mires hacia el futuro. Levanta tu mirada para no enfocarte en lo que es correcto al frente tuyo, sino en aspectos más elevados. Usa tu visión, usa tu capacidad para crear, para ver dentro de algo que tu puedes, que no hayas visto. Para crear la visión de algo que tu no has pensado posible. De traer belleza y luz dentro de todo lo que tu vez. Es tu habilidad como creadores en esta realidad en la cual tu existes, de hacer ésto, de manifestar lo que comenzado como una simple visión, como una simple semilla, pensamiento, una idea. Un punto de luz que se expande. Nosotros deseamos que entiendan, que se reconozcan como creadores, como muy poderosos en esta capacidad. Véanse por lo que ustedes son, no se limiten por las ideas de otros, las creencias de su sociedad. De lo que se les ha dicho que es posible o no es posible. Nosotros les decimos que mucho más es posible de lo que ustedes conocen. Ustedes aprenderan esto en la medida que ustedes se desarrolllen, en la medida que manifiesten lo que alguna vez tal vez fue imposible. Está dentro de su alcance crear crear y crear. No hay final, no hay limite. Ustedes deberán pensar en terminos de abundancia del fluir de la abundancia, no piensen en terminos de lo que es posible basado en los recursos a la mano pero más que eso enfóquense en la abundancia del fluir. Permitan que esta abundancia este presente dentro tuyo, de sentir la fuerza de esta abundancia a medida que aumenta desde dentro tuyo. Este es el proceso de expansión. Expansión dentro de estados de manifestación. Deberían detener, basado en la creencia que no es posible o que algo necesita ser rediculizado. Ustedes se encuentran a sí mismos valiosos lo suficiente de una u otra manera. De crear lo que a ustedes les gustaría crear. De esta forma ustedes limitan el fluir de esta expansión, la posibilidad de esta expansión. Imaginense sin su cuerpo, imaginense como un campo, un campo libremente fluido que se mueve donde éste desea, que cambia y se transforma en muchas formas. Imaginen que puede tomar cualquier forma que éste desee. Éste es el proceso de manifestación. Si la intención es conocida en cada celula de sus cuerpos,el resultado deseado, el devenir, entonces lo formado toma forma. Ustedes son quienes dirigen, los creadores y no hay limites para sus creaciones. Así como ustedes encontrarán nuevas formas de luz, nuevas posibilidades se levantaran. Ustedes podrán estar inspirados, podrán cambiar en conciencia, podrán encontrar que ustedes están viendo y pensando acerca de cosas que ustedes no han visto formalmemte. Este es el proceso de la evolución. Evolución de sus pensamientos, y por lo tanto, de evolución de sus creaciones. Ustedes estan en una evolución del ser. Quienes ustedes creyeron que eran, quienes ustedes conocieron quizas rapidamente cambiará. Esto no está para ser temido, este es un proceso natural que debe acercarse con calma. Ustedes escogen cómo acercarse, cómo moverse dentro de éste proceso es lo que determinará la cantidad de calma. Su proceso de evolución ésta moviéndose muy rápido. Ustedes pueden encontrar que hay momentos en este año que se siente que se mueven a la velocidad de la luz. Y momentos de lentitud. Cuando las cosas se están cayendo a pedazos, expansión y contracción, la esencia de las olas de formación. Este es un tiempo muy motivante. Y nosotros vemos que muchos de ustedes reconocen ésto. Hay otros quienes tienen miedo, preocupación. Ustedes pueden tener una combinación de muchas emociones. Entiéndalas como estados transitorios, como parte de un proceso que te está enseñando como ser más fexible, cómo ser maleable. Ustedes pueden cambiar muchas veces, cambiar sus perspectivas, sus creencias. Esto no es para ser resistido. Ustedes deben permitir el cambio en otros, porque todos estaremos en el mismo proceso. Como éste se mueve en el campo de la humanidad. No hay uno que no será tocado, quien no sera involucrado. Ustedes deben esperar muchos cambios en perspectiva en una escala mundial de cómo cada uno ve al otro, cómo un grupo ve al otro en sí mismo, cómo cada país interactúa con el otro. Ustedes necesitarán hacer muchos ajustes a sus procesos de pensamiento. Esto será facil si ustedes lo permiten, permiten los nuevos estados, la nueva información, permiten las nuevas formas de ver como éstas te sean entregadas. Nuevas formas de entendimiento. Sus corazones jugarán un rol primario en el nuevo estado de entendimiento. Ustedes deberán apoyarse en el apoyo del corazón, el entendimiento del corazón, el procesamiento del corazón ya que éste les mostrará el camino hacia adelante en cada coyuntura Nosotros deseamos que ustedes se rían y celebren, que experimenten la alegría, que sepan que es posible de vivir la vida con alegría, en celebración de su experiencia. Nosotros deseamos que ustedes inyecten sus creaciones con esta alegría, que sepan que es posible y de los tremendos cambios que ustedes sentirán como resultado. La creación cada día desde la alegría es un cambio magnífico. No solo en tu propio estado pero en lo que tu estas compartiendo mientras tu te mueves en medio del mundo. Nosotros les decimos que la alegría debe ser expandida, no debe ser bloqueada lejos o sentida solo en ciertos momentos como fiestas o vacaciones. Ésta debe ser experimentada cada día, asimismo como tu despiertas y abres tus ojos hacia el mundo, lo que tu proyectas cuando ves. Vean alegría en todas partes. Vean alegría en cada particula de luz. Sean luminosos al expresarse."
This Metatron transmission is from a live Insight Timer meditation that took place on November 25th, 2023. A special thank you to Marta González Rossel for providing this spanish translation of the transmission!
A recording of this meditation can be found on Youtube here. Channeled Message: "Ustedes han sido llamados a abrirse a éste cambio, a éste cambio energético, a la presencia de varios quiénes están aquí para asistirles. Quienes desean verte teniendo éxito en tu proceso de evolución. Quienes desean verte crecer en tu potencial máximo, tu máximo expresión como seres humanos en todo lo que ustedes pueden ser y hacer. Ustedes han progresado, crecido sustancialmente y ustedes se mueven hacia estados más altos a un paso bastante rápido. Ustedes deben mantener ese paso pero ustedes deben permitir ésta asistencia. Nosotros podemos asistirlos en remover la resistencia que su sistema energético tiene al entrar a estos estados más altos. Porque ésta no es un tarea fácil para ustedes, deslizarse sin esfuerzo desde uno estado hacia el otro. Ésto toma cierto ajuste pueden haber algunos estado en tí, estados energéticos, estados de acostumbramiento, estados habituales, que crean resistencia. Éstos se tienen que liberar y ustedes deben encontrar que esto está reflejado en cómo ustedes experimentan sus vidas y a ustedes mismos como seres, como un individuo. Y también como parte de un colectivo como un todo. Todo lo que está sucediendo en ustedes mismos está también sucediendo en todos porque ustedes están conectados. No es posible que éste proceso suceda sólo a algunos individuos. No hay algunos que hayan sido escogidos para esta tarea, son todos los que se mueven juntos. Mientras ustedes creen nuevas formaciones en este campo de la humanidad, formaciones que ustedes no están concientes, pero que ustedes experimentan. Éstas formaciones los empujarán el proceso de cambio, los empujarán dentro de nuevas experiencias, más altas experiencias, estados que previamente han sido desconocidos por ustedes. La formación es la fundación que acarrea las estructuras energéticas. Cuando nosotros decimos formación debe ser entendido que ésto es siempre cambiable, así ésto es necesario en orden para que sutedes se estabilicen en estos nuevos lugares. Por lo tanto las nuevas formaciones crean esta estabilidad para mantener una nueva estructura. Sus nuevos estados dependen en una estructura que sostiene esto. Éstas últimas estructuras no son permanentes, ellas continuarán cambiando mientras ustedes progresen. Pero ellas los ayudarán a anclarse en nuevos estados que ustedes están moviéndose hacia adelante, como ustedes verán. La verdad es que no existe un hacia adelante o atrás, esto es expansión que ustedes deben entender que es una progresión moviéndose hacia un nuevo estado. Su interacción con el planeta es muy importante. Ustedes pueden ver que no se mueven con el planeta, pero ustedes tienen una relación simbiótica, reflectiva con el planeta. Como ven este planeta, sólo como el suelo en el cual ustedes están parados, el piso que los contiene, o cómo un ser vivo que respira que co crea que interactua con ustedes siempre. Que es su compañero. No está aquí para servirte, ustedes están en un intercambio continuo con este planeta, ambos se apoyan. Hay conciencia en todo, en todos los entornos naturales muchos campos y niveles de conciencia interactuan. Deben entender que ésta conciencia está conciente de ustedes, de la humanidad y está interactuando con su conciencia a nivel de humanidad en una forma dinámica en cada momento. Nosotros les hemos pedido varias veces crear su visión, ésto es lo que ustedes quisieran desear ver cuál es su deseo para con su mundo, no sólo para ustedes como individuos, sino para uno quién está conectado a un todo, un colectivo. Nosotros ahora les deseamos reforzar ésta visión. Nosotros les deseamos crear una visión expandida, tal vez, moverse más allá de lo que ustedes han visto previamente, lo que ustedes han previamnete pensado posible. Tal vez, hay nueva información que ha sido ganada para asisitirlos en esta expansión. Les pedimos estar abiertos a recibir nueva información, que no estén resistentes a ideas o conceptos que desafian a aquellos que han sido entendimientos anteriores. Será sólo de ésta manera que ustedes podrán moverse hacia adelante, de crear más allá de lo que ha sido conocido como posible. No habrá solo uno o dos de ustedes que podrán mantener una visión, serán todos ustedes. No deberían estar asustados en aceptar nuevas ideas, no teman en moverse hacia un estado expandido. No teman de esta conexión que ustedes tienen con toda la humanidad y con aquellos quienes residen mas allá de su planeta. Hay un entendimiento mayor desarrollándose. No está para ser temido, pero si ser entendido. Hay quienes quisieran que ustedes permanezcan en un estado de miedo porque cuando ustedes están con miedo ustedes pueden fácilmente ser dirijidos de la manera en que ellos desean que tú vayas, lo que ellos quiseran que tú creyeras. Sean cautelosos de quiénes quisieran enpujarte a estados de miedo. Miren su corazón para saber que es verdadero. Su corazón es maestro leyendo la verdad. No le pregunten qué piensa, pero si qué es lo que sabe. Ustedes queridos están llenos con conocimiento, ustedes saben mucho más de lo que ustedes creen que saben. Su potencial es lejos mayor de lo que ustedes creen. Sepan que esto es real, escuchen ahora con su corazón. Ustedes escuchan? Ustedes escuchan la verdad? Que es lo que su corazón les dice? Vean el mundo que a ustedes les gustaría crear. Véanlo antes que ustedes se conozcan como creadores. Ustedes son los pintores sosteniendo el pincel". Lately, we’ve really been getting a push to shed the old and embrace the new. This has been part of a larger progression that began in the early summer, and it’s involved a lot of intense shifts on the energetic, emotional, and collective levels.
I observe these changes in the ambient energy through my sessions with clients, and also in how I experience the energy of each day. It becomes clear at times that there is a certain theme coming up in all of my sessions. Over the period of these last few months that theme has been the release of old ways of being - or as I’ve said many times, the shedding of old layers of the self. These ways of being are connected to old patterning that resulted from past traumas (both big and small), and beliefs that we may have acquired along the way. Some of these patterns are quite old, going back to childhood, and as I’ve found in the last few days, some can even stretch back through lifetimes! Those of you on my email list have heard me talk about this quite a bit (sign up for my email list here if you’d like to be kept abreast of the energetic changes we are experiencing collectively), while reassuring you that this process is pushing us towards new ways of being in life that are liberating, and that offer us the rare opportunity to easily step out of our old patterns and into newer, lighter states of being. Make no mistake, these are not small shifts. Though they may seem subtle at first, these are quantum leaps forward in personal evolution. As previously pushed-down patterns are brought to the surface, you might find things coming up for you that seemed like they had already been worked through - and that’s totally normal. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never really resolve your issues (I can hear the groans already), in fact, it could be just the opposite - this may be the final release that you’ve been waiting for, or that you didn’t know you needed, in order to truly move into a higher state and fuller expression of you. So let’s celebrate this opportunity and take full advantage of it while it’s here! We don’t get this kind of quantum push forward all the time, it really is something special. I encourage everyone reading this to take stock of what’s been coming up for you in your life over the last few months, and what new 'ahas' and insights may be coming up. You may find yourself realizing that you don’t need to continue in a relationship in the same way, and that a small tweak in how you approach it opens up new possibilities. Or that you don’t need to continue to work in the same way, perhaps you realize you can work smarter not harder and take some of the extra strain off while also creating more time for yourself. Or, that you no longer need to be the last holdout on the planet not to buy a smartphone, and you can allow yourself to move into the world of technology. These are some of the examples I’ve seen come up, and there are endless potential manifestations in each person’s life. In each case the 'aha' moment was followed by swift and easy action that resulted in a sense of freedom from old patterns that had felt restrictive and even life-sucking. Now, going back to what I mentioned earlier about patterns stretching back through lifetimes, I want to share the last turn in these processes of releasing - a shift into soul-level healings. Over the last three days I’ve worked with a number of clients whose healing processes have turned a corner, having gotten to the deepest layers, and the pieces that are often not apparent or easily accessed, and that can take years to reach. These are the soul-level reasons for the patterns that are at play. Reasons like soul contracts, karmic processes, and soul-level learning and evolution. These pieces make themselves known when a process is near or at completion, and usually not before then. I’ve often talked about sharing soul-healing stories and many of you have requested more of these. Here are a few short stories taken from sessions over the last few days, but without the depth of information that would reveal personal details. These are intended to give you a general overview of the types of things that can come up on a soul-level. Soul Contracts I had two clients in the last few days who released soul-contracts connected to people in their lives. Soul contracts are agreements between souls to work together in some way during a lifetime or a series of lifetimes as lessons are being learned or some other soul-development is achieved. In all of my experiences up until this week I had found these to be situations where two souls were experiencing and re-experiencing a certain emotional relationship through various manifestations in order to learn and evolve. For example, two people who are mother and daughter in one lifetime may reincarnate as lovers or as business partners. There are infinite ways that this can play out, but in any of these scenarios they would be in a similar emotional relationship. This week I was introduced to a different kind of soul-contract - one that I would describe as a "twin flame" or "soul mate" situation. One that would be considered quite special if not for the emotional devastation that was created this time around. The first client recently lost a relative who had long influenced her life and emotions, and the contract was with this person. This one was a more typical situation - the relationship had been strained for years and her comments in relation to the deceased before the session began were to the effect of "I’m just so tired of being hurt and angry, I can’t do it anymore." From what evolved in the session it would appear that this shift in her emotional response to the relationship, and probably other similar shifts that had developed over years, were the final pieces needed to release a pattern with this person that had played out in five different lifetimes! Twin Flame Devastation Now, I’m not one to spend a lot of time talking about twin flames. I find this theme to be way over-played in our popular culture, with a need to attribute any strong emotional attachments to some kind of mystical context. But, if ever I’ve encountered a twin flame story, this is it. This client had made an agreement with another soul to experience life together, as if they were one person, and believe it or not, they have accomplished this in five different lifetimes. Judging from her visions of her past lives and the insights that came up during the session, it would seem that this plan had worked quite well in the other lifetimes, creating feelings of love, happiness and soul-mate connection. These were lives tinged with a rosy glow. However, in this lifetime, though they did find each (so miraculous!), they weren’t able to be together. The separation and ensuing devastation was so intense that it created a pattern of deep depression and even suicidal tendencies. The image I received of the separation was of an empty void in her body, as if she no longer existed. She told me afterwards that she had spent her entire life "looking for that one person" without fully realizing it had been him. She was programmed before birth to seek him out, like two magnets pulling towards each other. It was both beautiful and tragic. Her spirit had made the decision to release this contract in order for her to release the debilitating emotional patterning that had plagued her for decades. Soul Evolution This next case is an example of a simple evolution of the soul as it learns the lessons of various lifetimes. In the session with this client it was clear that a soul-level piece was coming to completion, and I was being shown a pattern of her energy pulling in around her, almost like wrapping herself in a tight blanket. This was an emotional response that she had developed and expressed in three separate lifetimes that could be considered a coping mechanism she used to disengage from emotionally overwhelming situations. The pattern was ready to be released. At the end of the session we connected information about when this had been triggered in this lifetime with the associated events and people. The emotional pattern is one that she is aware of and that has continued to present itself. The release of the energetic pattern should open her to a completely different way of dealing with the people in question and ultimately free her from the self-imposed disengagement that kept her from evolving through the situation. The Dreaded Influence of Karma Karma, the oft-cited scapegoat for all things that don’t go our way, is actually a real thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you did something wrong or bad in a past life and are being punished, but it is the playing out of tit for tat or reverse lessons. In this case, my client had presented as a victim in multiple lifetimes, and this time around she was reliving that same scenario. However, it was not a situation of having been the perpetrator in other lifetimes and living out the karmic reversal of fortunes, instead this was the expression of victimhood as a means of control over people and situations. The lessons to be learned were about control over others and had been experienced in different forms throughout lifetimes. Now the lesson was complete and the pattern was ready to release. We can only imagine how this might change her life going forward. In cases of a soul-level issues, it’s as if the person is imprinted with a predisposition towards certain people and situations that will bring resolution to the growth that is desired on the soul-level. Imagine what that means - some issues that may be hanging around, particularly the ones that you’ve worked on for years but still persist, may actually have such deep roots that you won’t release them and the associated emotions and interpersonal connections until the lessons have been learned and the spirit chooses to release the programming. But don’t despair, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make lots of changes and achieve new levels of awareness and healing through the experiences of a lifetime, which is ultimately what we’ve come to do. Those are just a few of the amazing soul-healing stories I have recorded over the years. I suspect there will be more to come in the next few days, and perhaps even longer, as we continue through this period of intense quantum movement forward. Is there anything you can do to release the soul-level connections and programs in your own life? Well, yes. You can set the intention to release soul-level programs that have completed. That said, you may not feel anything right away and it could take some time for the issues to unwind, and for you to fully integrate the changes. You also may not ever be fully aware of which situations were soul-level issues. But, that’s ok as long as you’ve absorbed what you needed from them. In any case you can take some time to reflect over the next couple of weeks on the changes you may be feeling in your own life… it may feel like an undercurrent, or you may be fully in the throes of something obvious, either way be sure to stay open to the new possibilities that you are moving towards and embrace them when they show up! The Hidden Benefits of Self-Testing
"I was very skeptical about self-testing. Was I doing it right? Is it really going to make that much of a difference? But, I never imagined that practicing self-testing would create a space for me to step into my personal power. Now, by listening to what my body needs, I have rebuilt trust within myself. This has allowed me to reconnect with my intuition, I feel more grounded, and I am more in sync with the flow of the Universe." —Christine Sharpe I’ve been teaching self-testing to my clients for years so that they can create a reliable biofeedback system for understanding what their body needs. With this skill, they’re able to ask their body specific questions like what they should eat, which supplements to take, which beverages to consume (especially alcoholic beverages - an often overlooked but very important category), which stones or oils to use… and a whole lot more. I’ve also used self-testing myself for the past few years on just about everything under the sun - I regularly test on everything listed above and all of the skin care and personal hygiene products I use, items on restaurant menus, products I purchase online, incense and space clearing items, and generally anything that I use in my environment like cleaning supplies, etc. I test my stones to determine if they need cleaning, and which cleaning method is best for each one. I test before I put on jewelry to see what my body chooses for that day, or if it prefers nothing. I also test on the clothes I wear, specifically to find out which colors and combinations are best. I use self-testing with healing techniques to determine which energy healing protocols my body needs, and what order to do them in. I use testing to choose the topic of healing sessions, especially when using Energy Psychology techniques. I also use testing to tune into my higher self when I’m not sure about a choice I’m making, this is a sensitivity that comes with practice and experience. Finally, I use my self-tests when I work with clients remotely, once I have tuned into their energy I can test as if I were testing directly on them. This may seem excessive to most people, and you certainly don’t need to do as much testing as I do to significantly change the way you approach your health choices and other everyday purchasing choices, but I will say that testing to this extent has revealed so much of my inner workings and innate knowing that it has completely changed how I live. For example, I’ve stopped paying attention to the media reports on different therapies and techniques, different diets and supplements that are trending, because I prefer to ask my body what it wants. When I go to a crystal store, I don’t spend any time reading descriptions of stones and their purported qualities (which often don’t align with my intuitive guidance - who knows where those descriptions come from), instead I ask my body which stones it wants, if any. I no longer feel the need to read extensively about chemical ingredients in the different products on the market, to figure out which is the least harmful option - I just ask my body. Ultimately, the huge life change that is available to anyone who chooses to take the time to learn to work with self-testing is the end of searching for answers to all manner of questions about your own needs from outside yourself - from the experts, or the latest studies, or the latest trending healing technique, or from someone else’s experience. And instead, to start referencing the wisdom of your body, what I also refer to as your higher consciousness/higher self, for all the answers you need. You can trust that this answer is not a general recommendation or a guideline meant for the overall population, but one that is customized to the very specific needs of your very unique system. Hidden Benefits Discovered I’ve been having fun spreading the word about self-testing and experimenting with different things. I recently started asking some of my clients what kinds of things they were doing with self-testing and what they love about it, and one thing in particular really stood out to me. They all mentioned feeling more connected to their intuition, and more specifically, that the practice of self-testing had enhanced their intuitive sense as well as the trust that they have in it. When I look back to 2011 when I started using self-testing in my Energy Medicine studies, I realize that this was also a huge ‘aha’ for me - no more wondering what I needed, or trying to decipher what underlying issues I was having, I could simply test and find out. You find out very quickly if your hunches are actually correct! This develops into a new sensitivity around your intuitive knowing, which can be an area of much confusion and frustration for people - “is it really intuition or am I just imagining it?” is one of the most common questions I hear from my clients around this topic. “How will I know?”... Well, now you have an easy way to test those intuitive inclinations, which will lead you to a greater awareness of the subtle messages you may have been missing, or when you may be reading too much into something or discarding your true intuition out of self-doubt (a common problem). That’s a topic for another post, but suffice it to say that self-testing has turned out to be a valuable tool for enhancing the connection to intuition. Another thing I’ve noticed for myself is something that has developed over time: a strong, visceral reaction to certain foods, pushing me towards some, and away from others. Let me give you a few examples to illustrate this. I have found myself in the aisles of a grocery store browsing the shelves, and felt the urge to reach for one particular type of vegetable or fruit, or one type of cereal over another. Or, while scanning a menu for dinner at a restaurant, I’ll feel a subtle pull towards one dish, and often a distinctive push - a subtle aversion, even - away from another. This is particularly strong when I’m choosing alcoholic beverages, which I’ve found my system is not particularly fond of, except for the occasional beer. What causes this sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle reaction that I now experience? I believe it’s something like this: By eliminating substances that had an adverse effect on my system, the vibrational resonance within my system has been enhanced and greatly clarified, and it’s easier for me to hear the messages my body is actually sending all the time. I’ll explain a little more what I mean by that. We each have our own unique vibration - our energetic signature. This signature becomes infused with the vibrations of whatever we ingest. Sometimes this combination of vibrations aligns well, and sometimes it doesn’t. Energetic toxins, which can come from the foods we ingest, can cloud the resonance of our energetic signature. For example, ingesting any type of meat will infuse your system with the energy of that animal, including any fear or stress that it might have experienced in the dying process. I don’t share this as an animal activist who is against the consumption of meats, but as an Energy Healer who is very aware of the energy that is passed from one being to another, and the energies that I find clogging my client’s systems. Testing on your foods allows your body to choose what will most benefit it nutritionally, but also to reject anything that might cloud the system with unwanted energy. When we remove these energetic toxins from the biofield, not only is our native vibration more clear, but our energy flows more freely as well. Consider for a moment what that would look like for you: You’ve settled into a vibration that vibrates more fully, at a consistent frequency, and at a frequency that is your own. This can only benefit your system. The stronger your unique frequency becomes, the stronger all of the different energy systems will be, areas of weakness in your system will be strengthened as a result, which means your physical body will be stronger, your emotional health will be better, and the better you will feel. In fact, this is a foundational premise of Energy Healing work. So it naturally follows that the feedback system you have created with your body will carry a more clear signal, thus making it more apparent to you. In other words, your intuitive sense will be heightened and your gut feelings will be stronger, because the communication isn’t muddled with energetic toxins. Pretty cool, right? Now I don’t want to scare you with my extensive testing habits, obviously you can choose what you want to test on, and if you want to override the recommendations of your body you can do that! You can learn this technique, but it doesn’t mean that you have to follow the direction your body is giving you. It’s just another tool in the kit for you to draw from when making a decision. As you try it out more and more and begin to follow what your body suggests, you might find that letting it take the lead is not such a bad idea! Even with my years of experience with self-testing, I’m constantly discovering again and again what an incredible service we do for ourselves when we create this new relationship with our body, and honor the wisdom that is shared through that connection. Feel free to reach out to me with questions as you move forward in your own journey of discovery with self-testing! I've been doing Energy Healing distance sessions for a few years now, and I can say with certainty that they are just as effective as in-person sessions, and cover almost 100% of the same protocols and issues. In addition, they open up possibilities that aren't present in person.
I know that even if you've done a lot of Energy Healing, distance work can feel like a stretch because it just doesn't seem possible, or maybe it's a little too "out there." I was skeptical myself when I had my first distance session years ago...I think it was 2012. But I quickly became a believer, and will also add that the session that most changed my life was a distance session. I'm sure you're wondering how it's possible for me to work on you if you aren't present. So here's the gist of it - energy is non-local. That means that we don't have to be in the same place for me to work on your energy. I can be sitting in my house, while you sit in yours, even if your house is half-way around the globe, and I can connect to you via the ethers, and hook right up to your system. In fact, removing the physical plane removes a barrier. Energy moves much more quickly through the ethers than it does through physical space. Connecting on this level is kind of like jumping onto a super-highway with no traffic! You can go as fast as you want ;) The other really great thing about working at a distance is that I not only feel the movement of energy in your system, and can adjust and release energy as I usually would, but I also "see" more than I do in a physical session. Some of you are aware that I don't see energy with my eyes open, at least not most of the time. For me to see energy, I have to close my eyes and observe with my third eye. In distance sessions this inner vision becomes more powerful, as does the connection to spirit. If you're still not convinced, here's a story to inspire you! Just another day at the office... and, why I love this work! I'll refer to my client as Celine. Her session began with some big questions about the direction of her life, things she's been agonizing over for quite some time. She wants to fulfill her life's purpose, has a sense of what that is, and has been actively working in that direction, but she's feeling pulled away from her family in the process which is distressing to them all. In addition she's had some terrible nightmares that somehow seemed related. On top of that, she's dealing with the current stress and chaos the pandemic has created in her family's schedules and daily life. We began by following the energy, going where it needed balancing, which led us to the 2nd chakra, where a lot of deep fear that was holding began to release and flow up and out. As it moved, it brought up related blockages situated in different places, finally triggering deep movement in the 5th chakra. We were periodically checking in with her guides on the situation, to get some information about the nightmares and direction she should take. At this point, they had confirmed that she should continue some work she was doing at home, a passion that she has been able to devote more time to now that she and her family are home. They also confirmed that the nightmares were related to a fear of following her purpose, because she felt too much would be asked of her, and she would have to sacrifice her connection to her family in the process. And then something amazing happened. I had paused after the work on the 5th chakra to allow the chakra to adjust, and as I watched, energy from deep within the chakra began to open, much like a flower opening to bloom. From this opening flowed a beautiful and sacred energy - I was expressly told not to touch! As I continued to observe, what looked like a hard black diamond began rising up out of the chakra. It felt incredibly valuable or precious. Checking again with Celine's guides, I was told that this object carried information from an ancient time, lost to humanity, but that had been stored as if in a library somewhere on another dimensional level. When coming into this lifetime Celine had volunteered to bring in and reseed this information on the planet. I shared this with her as it was happening, and she in turn shared that she has always felt a strong sense of duty and responsibility to fulfill some sort of mission, though she had struggled to figure out what it was. In addition, she had been told not long ago by a psychic astrologer that she seemed to be a "keeper of knowledge or information." A few more questions to her guides helped us determine what she is to do, how to go about it and where to begin, and the best part is she can start in her own back yard and doesn't need to be separated from her family to fulfill her commitment. Needless to say, it was a wonderful session for both of us! I In the world of Energy Healing, your body's immune system response is directly linked to the stability of the energy systems, and particularly of the Triple Warmer Meridian . All of the exercises on this list will increase the stability of your overall system, which assists the Triple Warmer Meridian in staying balanced and capable of doing its job of directing the immune system response to ward off foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. 5 things you can do right now to boost your immune system and increase stability and resiliency: 1. Do Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine. Clicking will take you to the online video version. I tell my clients all the time that this routine creates a strong, stable "container" for your overall energy system. This ultimately boosts your immune system by keeping key components in balance, and creates resiliency in your energy systems so that you are less likely to catch viruses, and bounce back much more quickly if you do. 2. Do the Porcupine Reactivity Exercise by Ellen Meredith: Begin by imagining you are grabbing energy out of the crown chakra at the top of your head with both hands, on the inhale pull up and out to the sides of your body, arms outstretched, exhaling your hands to the floor and imagining that you are now sending that energy down into the earth below your feet. On the next inhale do the opposite - grab the energy from the earth below your feet with both hands (use your imagination here), and with outstretched arms pull it back up, and on the exhale land it on the top of your head. You have just traced the taurus of your energy field, stabilizing the field as well as stabilizing the Triple Warmer Meridian (the main player in your immune response) and its reactive tendency. 3. Get grounded! Stand with feet firmly planted on the ground, preferably barefoot and on grass or dirt. Hold your hands to your sides, so that palms face the ground. Take 2-3 deep breaths and visualize sending your energy out your feet and down into the earth. This stabilizes your field and all the interwoven energy systems, as well as discharging stale, stagnant and toxic energy and bringing in fresh, nourishing energy. 4. Quick root chakra clearing - Hold your left hand with palm facing towards your body about four inches above your pubic bone. Make circles with your hand, going from left to right, for about 8 turns. Now switch hands, and while holding your right hand, palm facing your body about four inches above the pubic bone, make circles from right to left for about 8 turns. The root chakra has the important function of discharging toxic energies collected in the chakra system, and pulling in fresh energy from the earth to revitalize that system, as well as stabilizing your overall system by keeping you well connected to the earth's energy field. 5. Power Point to Sixth Chakra Hook-Up - Place one middle finger in the Power Point, the indentation at the base of the skull/top of the spine, and the other middle finger at the center of the brow. Push in firmly with both fingers, hold and breathe for about 1 min. This connects to the nervous system, and sinks the balancing and stabilizing effect of the other exercises into your system on a deeper level, as well as locking in the balance you've created by telling your body to "stay here"! Finally, follow all the basics of good health - reduce stress, eat good healthy foods, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and exercise often!! All of these things keep your immune system in good shape by keeping your stress level down (ie, Triple Warmer Meridian in balance), flushing out toxins, and keeping the energy moving! ![]() I’m often asked what Energy Medicine is and how it helps people. My usual response is to address how Energy Medicine can help rebalance the imbalances at the root of physical, emotional and mental issues, because the energy systems are foundational to our health on every level. After working with many people on a myriad of issues, it’s my expectation that physical and emotional symptoms will lessen greatly and often disappear completely as we peel away layers of traumas, emotions and limiting beliefs, and, that they will experience an increased level of wellness and vitality, many times reporting that they “haven’t felt this good in 10 years.” These improvements are wonderful, but there is something else, something infinitely more beautiful, happening on a deeper level. As I’ve worked with clients for extended periods, I’ve observed that as people release old patterns, and the stuck emotions around experiences that have shaped their perceptions of life and of themselves, many subtle foundational shifts take place simultaneously. The process can best be described as a gentle unfolding of the self, not unlike a flower that slowly opens to the sun, and reflects back the light that it absorbs. As clients move through this process of unfolding, they become more in touch with who they are at their core, more attuned to their own higher consciousness, and more at ease with themselves and with life. Peaks of joy are experienced, sometimes for the first time, and the little stresses of life don’t have as much impact. People who had once walked in with visible tension in their faces and their bodies move with a relaxed ease, and tension is replaced with smiles and laughter. For some people these changes happen relatively quickly, for others they take longer. Regardless of how long it takes, the process itself is a joy to watch, and always brings moments of awe, inspiration and gratitude to both client and practitioner. This case study was published on the Innersource website in April of 2017. Click here to be taken to the Innersource webpage where it resides. Helen and her husband John had been trying for years to conceive. Helen came to see me at the age of 37, two years after having miscarried, with complaints of infertility, lack of passion, “overall” pain that came and went, and insomnia. She had received acupuncture off and on for years and was aware that she had a Kidney deficiency. She and John had given up on trying to get pregnant, and they had changed their life plan from starting a family to building their careers and focusing on physical/emotional/spiritual healing. They were interested in trying new therapies to heal past traumas and for personal development. In Helen’s first session she said “I’m not here to work on fertility, I just want to feel happier.” I had a premonition at the time that she would get pregnant through the course of the work, but that it would be a few months before we got there. I kept this to myself however, and we began our assessments.
The two things that stood out immediately were Helen’s Triple Warmer, which was highly reactive, and her K1 point (beginning of Kidney meridian line on the bottom of the foot), which was closed shut. It was as if the doorway to the Kidney meridian (and connection to the earth, grounding, yin cycle, et cetera) was closed with a huge heavy door and bolted shut. I probably spent about 20 minutes in the first session using magnets to open the K1 points and correct their polarity, as well as her overall polarity. Not surprisingly, Kidney meridian was quite weak. Helen decided to come in for a session every other week. Her homework for the first few weeks, in addition to the Daily Routine, was to use the Mellow Mudra hold for Triple Warmer reactivity and to bolster Kidney meridian by holding its acupressure strengthening points. As we progressed, we added emphasis to the Penetrating Flow, Belt Flow, polarity, grounding, cross-overs, and strengthening Spleen meridian, both during the sessions and in her self-care. Over the next few sessions, Helen’s Triple Warmer reactivity calmed, Kidney meridian strengthened and held its energy, and her K1 points shifted from feeling like a door with iron bolts to a closed door, then a swing door, and finally to a door that would stay propped open! This was supported by her diligence with her daily self-care. Her big shift, and one of the most amazing things I’ve felt in my work, came in the fifth session with the Deep Healing Electrics protocol. Near the end of the session, after about 45 minutes of holding the main electric points, a beautiful radiant energy started pushing up from underneath, marked by an undeniable will to live, and to be connected to this physical experience. As it pushed up, I held the space open for it to move, as if I were holding open heavy doors and waiting for it to pass through. Just as I was wondering how much longer I could hold this opening, it expanded into the field, releasing the need to hold the space, and shifting the energy into a beautiful encompassing glow. I knew we were complete. At the time, I interpreted this as Helen’s own will to live a full, joyous life coming through. After the Deep Electrics session, the Triple Warmer reactions stopped. Two weeks later Helen attended a retreat where a psychic took one look at her and said “when are you due?” When she responded “what do you mean?” the woman said, “well, you’re pregnant, didn’t you know?” She recounted this one month after the electrics session, with some discouragement. She had gone to get a pregnancy test that came back negative. My thought was it wasn’t quite time yet, but maybe we were close. Again, we focused on healing her system and emotions. One month later, and four months after starting Eden Energy Medicine, Helen came in and announced with a smile that she was pregnant! In the subsequent months, she continued to do EEM and worked with TRE Trauma and Tension Release Therapy, which she’d begun just before the pregnancy. She experienced deep trauma release in the first trimester, and the EEM techniques were important in stabilizing her system through these releases. We focused on keeping Kidney and Spleen meridians strong, chakras clear, and clearing out residual energies from old traumas. The pregnancy was smooth and painless, without any nausea or other discomfort, which Helen believes to be the result of the ongoing EEM work. Their beautiful baby girl was born in March (exactly one year to the day after beginning EEM), and mom, dad and baby are all doing well! It’s clear to me now that the radiant energy that pushed through during the electrics session with such a strong will to live was the energy of the baby moving into the physical plane, and that this energy was already accompanying Helen before the biological reproductive process was fully underway. What a wondrous experience it was, and such a gift to have been a part of it! It was a big night for Tallahassee on March 24th when Donna Eden and her husband David Feinstein gave a three-hour class at the Leon High School auditorium. My Energy Medicine colleague, Amy McDowell, was the event organizer and grand master, but as always Donna was the luminary of the evening. Donna inspired event participants with her contagious enthusiasm for the body's ability to heal and our ability to heal ourselves simply by changing our energetic patterning. Here are a few photos from the evening: It was an evening of lively demos and lots of surprises for audience members as they learned the exercises of the 10 minute daily routine, which bring a number of important systems into alignment and ensure that your energy anatomy is strong and resilient. According to Donna, on the path to healing a body that is out of balance, getting the daily routine exercises balanced on a regular basis is 70% of the work., a compelling reason to do it faithfully if you are committed to regaining your health or preventing health problems.
I've since heard from a number of people who attended the class who have been doing the routine daily and are already feeling the benefits. I'm not surprised, in fact, I would be surprised if they were not feeling the benefits, as just about everyone seems to notice positive changes within a week or two, from a sense of being more relaxed, more patient, and less fatigued, to more dramatic results for individuals dealing with health issues. All told, this was a great night of community and learning new skills for a variety of age groups. Everyone who came had a chance to speak with Donna and some even had their life colors read! Thanks to everyone who came out and participated! ![]() These days not a week passes without more news of mindfulness entering the mainstream, is it possible it's here to stay? Wouldn't it be lovely... You can get a glimpse of the article by clicking on the image to the left, for the full article you'll need to subscribe, but you can get a quick look at an intro to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and the famous raisin exercise. |
AuthorPaige Apgar is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel, and Transformational Life Coach. Archives
April 2024
© 2013, Paige Apgar, CPC, EEM-AP
Soul's Light, LLC All Rights Reserved 347-724-2254 Tallahassee, Florida This website,, ( does not purport to diagnosis, treat, operate on, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. Paige Apgar is not a licensed mental health professional and does not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. |