I've been doing Energy Healing distance sessions for a few years now, and I can say with certainty that they are just as effective as in-person sessions, and cover almost 100% of the same protocols and issues. In addition, they open up possibilities that aren't present in person.
I know that even if you've done a lot of Energy Healing, distance work can feel like a stretch because it just doesn't seem possible, or maybe it's a little too "out there." I was skeptical myself when I had my first distance session years ago...I think it was 2012. But I quickly became a believer, and will also add that the session that most changed my life was a distance session. I'm sure you're wondering how it's possible for me to work on you if you aren't present. So here's the gist of it - energy is non-local. That means that we don't have to be in the same place for me to work on your energy. I can be sitting in my house, while you sit in yours, even if your house is half-way around the globe, and I can connect to you via the ethers, and hook right up to your system. In fact, removing the physical plane removes a barrier. Energy moves much more quickly through the ethers than it does through physical space. Connecting on this level is kind of like jumping onto a super-highway with no traffic! You can go as fast as you want ;) The other really great thing about working at a distance is that I not only feel the movement of energy in your system, and can adjust and release energy as I usually would, but I also "see" more than I do in a physical session. Some of you are aware that I don't see energy with my eyes open, at least not most of the time. For me to see energy, I have to close my eyes and observe with my third eye. In distance sessions this inner vision becomes more powerful, as does the connection to spirit. If you're still not convinced, here's a story to inspire you! Just another day at the office... and, why I love this work! I'll refer to my client as Celine. Her session began with some big questions about the direction of her life, things she's been agonizing over for quite some time. She wants to fulfill her life's purpose, has a sense of what that is, and has been actively working in that direction, but she's feeling pulled away from her family in the process which is distressing to them all. In addition she's had some terrible nightmares that somehow seemed related. On top of that, she's dealing with the current stress and chaos the pandemic has created in her family's schedules and daily life. We began by following the energy, going where it needed balancing, which led us to the 2nd chakra, where a lot of deep fear that was holding began to release and flow up and out. As it moved, it brought up related blockages situated in different places, finally triggering deep movement in the 5th chakra. We were periodically checking in with her guides on the situation, to get some information about the nightmares and direction she should take. At this point, they had confirmed that she should continue some work she was doing at home, a passion that she has been able to devote more time to now that she and her family are home. They also confirmed that the nightmares were related to a fear of following her purpose, because she felt too much would be asked of her, and she would have to sacrifice her connection to her family in the process. And then something amazing happened. I had paused after the work on the 5th chakra to allow the chakra to adjust, and as I watched, energy from deep within the chakra began to open, much like a flower opening to bloom. From this opening flowed a beautiful and sacred energy - I was expressly told not to touch! As I continued to observe, what looked like a hard black diamond began rising up out of the chakra. It felt incredibly valuable or precious. Checking again with Celine's guides, I was told that this object carried information from an ancient time, lost to humanity, but that had been stored as if in a library somewhere on another dimensional level. When coming into this lifetime Celine had volunteered to bring in and reseed this information on the planet. I shared this with her as it was happening, and she in turn shared that she has always felt a strong sense of duty and responsibility to fulfill some sort of mission, though she had struggled to figure out what it was. In addition, she had been told not long ago by a psychic astrologer that she seemed to be a "keeper of knowledge or information." A few more questions to her guides helped us determine what she is to do, how to go about it and where to begin, and the best part is she can start in her own back yard and doesn't need to be separated from her family to fulfill her commitment. Needless to say, it was a wonderful session for both of us! I
![]() Rather than using my newsletter to review 2013 and look for take-aways (which is always valuable, mind you), I chose to focus on the turbulence we've been experiencing in one of the more mundane areas of life - the weather. I simply could not pass up the opportunity to address such cool weather occurrences as the Polar Vortex and the Bombogenesis, and of course, make some observations on how similar turbulence can exist virtually unnoticed in our energy fields and thoughts. Click below to find out what vortexes may exist in your life and what you can do about them, then share some of your vortexes in the comments section! Read the 2013/2014 Winter Newsletter The Vortexes of our lives... Some common vortexes observed in clients and others: Facebook Vortex – Being sucked through the portal of an endless newsfeed to a virtual reality free of the constraints of time and space. Sugar Vortex – The magnetic force in your hand that attracts all things sweet, often unnoticed, only to be discovered mid-bite. Vortex of Despair – The stirrings of panic that explode if given too much attention, accompanied by thoughts of ‘this will never work’ ‘I’ll never get it all done’ ‘my life will never change…’, etc. - note the prominence of ‘always’ and ‘never’ in these moments. Sent in by a reader: The Vortex of Frustrating Board Volunteering with the message: "your tips have arrived at just the right time as I'm composing my resignation" Share some of your vortexes below! Go to page 22 for a great article on chakras that I was interviewed for. Thanks to Avery Hurt for bringing more information to the public about alternative heatlh!! |
AuthorPaige Apgar is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel, and Transformational Life Coach. Archives
April 2024
© 2013, Paige Apgar, CPC, EEM-AP
Soul's Light, LLC All Rights Reserved 347-724-2254 Tallahassee, Florida This website, www.soulslightenergyhealing.com, (www.tallahasseeholistichealth.com) does not purport to diagnosis, treat, operate on, or prescribe for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition. Paige Apgar is not a licensed mental health professional and does not practice, or purport to practice, medicine. |